
Ro-ach: Here are some links of interest to add to our current convo: Good music:
Humbert is awesome and so is Bling Bling. I love me some jonathan jaffee! He + his dad = best sofla family! You are making me add the damn New Yorker, so I am adding The Brand to our list of bands even tho you've never heard them. And I am adding Creepy T's too b/c Tom is cute to me bad. Take that, lady!! Muahahahaha

Oh, my favorite coffee of all time is available here: PJ's. Also, let's not forget about Salon.com! More: Favorite Red Zinfandel is 1997 Baron Herzog (or maybe it's '96) and here's my avorite Pinot Grigio

Hey Roach, thanks for the curmudgenly (sp?) poll. Can you believe the large # of women who took that poll admitted that they would completely TAKE THEIR HUSBAND"S NAME UPON MARRIAGE TO HIM. So they would go thru the ridiculous expense and pain-in-the-neck changes just to have HIS last name. WHY? I would certainly use my (nonexistent) husband's last name in social settings b/c I would be proud of him/us/our love/our union, etc., but I would NOT go to the extent of changing my passport, license, etc. I remember my mother having so much trouble with the duplicate last name thing. Besides that, WHAT ABOUT TO FEMALES RETAINING THEIR IDENTITY in marriage? Is this still possible? Do women care about it? OK -- off soapbox. Thanks, MJ WATSON


Hey, what about shite we care about? gen x librarian issues, i suppose. o wait - you're gen y. So, Gen X & Y issues? 1) Get the F out of Iraq 2) Privacy and the Patriot Act 3) Environment - and not just not throwing your cig butt out of the window, people. 4) How about creating a human-friendly work environment (affective, physical and whatever else)?

Infinite the reasons why i haven't been going to starbux (don't get mad, bdb, for me largely stealing your words there):
love, newpoint news, my new hair color, writing, managing the people, etc. Mostly because the campus location is closed.

Question 1 to rach: what are the must-know online retailers for us libberchix? i like newport-news.com. others?
What about hair, makeup, etc.? It HAS to be a snooty label, b/c I am a snob.

Q2 What about coffee? (don't forget I am a snob and do not approve of robusta shite)

Q3 What about must-read magazines? I really like BUST: http://www.bust.com/ I CAN"T STAND the new yorker, so please let's not add that. Please don't ask Marc with a "c," either, because his taste is too hi-brow for us lo-life, lo-fi libberotches. Hey, I like that: "Libberotches." It sounds soooooo disgusting! But we = special, so it's OK.

Question 4: what are the must-know bands for us libberchix? I know we can agree on 2: The Donnas and Bling Bling. I WILL NOT AGREE to Jimmy Stuff-it!!!! :-)

What about online communities? friendster, tribe, myspace, what else?

Q5: are you happy you are turning 27? HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO RACH! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO RACH! Let's all sing it, folks!