
Now you know my mood is total and complete shite this week - so, people, stay away - but I thought I'd register another complaint. Why is it that males out the wazoo email me on Friendster looking for dates when I specifically note in my profile that I am NOT LOOKING FOR FRIENDSTER DATES? What is this, a challenge to guys? I don't get it. I hate people for the most part, except, of course, those with good f'in manners. If Humbert would take all their songs and turn them into a nice, sweet boyfriend for me... then I could stop dreaming. But I'm not going to use Friendster or MySpace or anything ridiculous like that. I'm done with those things.
OK, here's what I logged in for. I can't figure out how to add these freakin' links, rach, cuz I'm too damn impatient. And you know I have oh, so much to do. Here are some good blogs to add at the left:
http://www.blogwithoutalibrary.net/, http://saritasce.blogspot.com/, my favorite: http://www.etches-johnson.com/ (hey amanda e-j!), http://www.livejournal.com/community/library_grrls/, http://lostinthestacks.typepad.com/.
And can we go public with this blog?


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