
I am so bored today that I think I am going to die! Plus, Marc with a C cut out an article for me about poets. Apparently they tend to live shorter lives than any other type of writer. Maybe I should switch to prose. Or get new friends! (Just kidding, Marc. Thanks for the article!) The good news is that I get off in two hours, thank gawd. In between now and then, I am going to investigate the possibility of creating a concept map about information literacy. Normally that thought makes me excited (really), but today it is like a fat piece of liver on my plate that a ruddy-faced, overweight nun is forcing me to eat three bites of. Anyone ever have to eat three bites of every section of your lunch when you were in middle school? I did, and it was veal that got caught in my throat one day and I started crying. Those poor, sad baby cows... By the way, I went to a school called Sacred Heart, and my mom accidentally wrote out a tuition check to them that paid to the order of "Sacred Cow." Wait a minute... maybe it was "Scared Heart." Those girls were really horrible, so maybe that's what she wrote because she secretly felt bad for sending me there. They would freeze one's underwear at parties, invite nerds to "birthday parties" that weren't really birthday parties, hide one's gym clothes, and generally be hateful for absolutely no reason. They also hated Jewish people and Democrats, in addition to children whose parents were single and drove fuel efficient Hondas and lived outside of the Uptown area.


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